Diumenge, febrer 9, 2025

Draft beer

Estrella Galicia special
Beer bright golden color from a selection of malt and hops especially bitter. The process of cooking, fermentation and maturation takes place over 20 days, making this beer has a pleasant and characteristic flavor hops
Flavour: pleasant, refreshing shades which include especiados Appearance: Bright golden color Taste: The palate is light and neutral with a very strong hint of hop flavor. Alcohol content: 5.5% alc. vol. Ideal temperature: 5 ° C

Estrella Galicia Special Reserve 1906
Made from a selection of prepared roasted malt and hops aroma variety “Perle” who manage to give an aroma, dark amber color and a distinct flavor to these malts. In rich creamy foam that lasts throughout the consumption of beer, leaving the characteristic “Brussels lace” on the glass.

Flavour: the mixture that contribute both hops and malt, this beer’s aroma dominates clean, honest and intense a toasted malt. Appearance: intense golden yellow. Clean and bright, rich and thick and creamy foam that lasts throughout consumption. Taste: In the mouth it is thick, dense, elegant and round, presents an elegant point of bitterness which melts in the mouth. Long and pleasant. Alcohol content: 6.5% alc. vol. Temperature: 5 ° C

Maeloc dry cider

Maeloc was a Bishop of Bretoaa del S.vi, a settlement founded by Bretons in Galicia. Our mark is a tribute to all those who made and made a way. Maeloc is an attitude to life, the spirit of innovating by preserving traditions and doing new things in the way of each one.

Our brand of cider has given its name to a research programme which aims to provide a scientific basis for the production of oil apple in Galicia.

Through it, we conduct a thorough study of native apple varieties in collaboration with public entities and bodies.

For several years now, since Maeloc, organic apple cultivation has been particularly encouraged by working hand in hand with the farmers involved in the project.


O’Hara’s Irish Red
The Irish red of O’Hara’s is perfect for lovers of fruity flavors who stand out most thanks to the use of nitrogen at the time of the preparation of this traditional Irish.

This 4.3%-degree alcohol drink is named after its reddish brown color with ruby reflexes, making it a jewel. In addition, its dry and bitter flavor stands out with the well-pronounced toasted tastes and the touch in caramel and orange.

And like all good fruit drinks, their aroma does not let go of herbs, nuances to fruit and malt with toasted notes. A fantasy for anyone who seeks to enjoy something sweet but does not set aside the marked flavors.

O’Haras Irish Stout
O’Hara’s Stout is a traditional Irish stout beer, made with a combination of Malta and a crystalline irland water, with elevated roast, giving the beer a soft flavor with body and a sweet Malta flavor.

This beer is considered the best Stout beer in the world. It has 4.3% alcohol volume.

Cremous texture, a capuccino with mounted cream, bitterness drys light and soft aftertaste. It combines well with sausages, cheeses and desserts with fruits or bitter chocolate.

Traditional Irish stout beer, 4.3% alcohol.

51 State IPA
From the O’Hara brewery comes O’hara’s 51st State an indian pale ale beer originating in Ireland which has 6th ABV.

Irish Pale Ale style beer, which we could consider the traditional “IPA” with an Irish touch. It combines the balance of European beer with the aroma of hops and bitterness of American beers. It is refreshing and bitter, with a long end, an intense and lasting aroma. With floral and fruit notes.

The 51st State IPA is a light brown, somewhat murky, cream foam, abundant and persistent beer. On the nose, note to cream, vanilla, and malt soft. The mouth is soft, medium bitterness, cream, mild maltose, cereal bitterness at the end, with notes on vanilla and mild to alcohol. Pa and massapà.

This unfiltered IPA is inspired by the IPA Inglés style. A carefully chosen mixture of hops provide an intense citrus scent and add a balanced bitterness. The malts combine to offer a gentle mouth feel.

Brewdog Punk IPA
Punk IPA is a Scottish beer inspired by American trends in the production and choice of hops.

This beer denotes an accentuated hops flavor, similar to that of beers made today in small craft breweries in North America. For the development of Punk IPA, the malt Marris Otter Extra Pale has been used as the base, while the hops Chinook, Simcoe, Ahtanum and Nelson Sauvin contribute to conferring characteristic flavourings on this beverage.

With an orange cuerporubio, reminiscent of the peach, it culminates in a cremous and persistent white foam.

In the nose, light aromas are drawn from grass and fruit. In paladar, afruit flavors are revealed that evoke peach and tropical fruits, followed by a relatively strong, dry bitterness that prolongs in mouth. Afterwards, he gives up his place to a pleasantly affrusted aftertaste. A nice beer, with a strong Brewdog hops flavor.

For newly started people who are looking for new and character sensations! This young brewing company, BrewDog, is one of the most creative and outstanding of recent years.

With more than a dozen unique creations, made by a team of talented and original brewer masters, Brewdog has found its place in the world of brewers! The brand has received numerous recognitions thanks to its quality and uniqueness, a label they print on each of their products.